Our CEO & Founder of PYP

Our CEO & Founder of PYP

I am a mother of 3 girls with a passion for mental health awareness and advocacy. This passion coupled with a long history of battling anxiety and OCD led me to the start of our brand.

During my teenage years Dr.'s prescribed medications to help with these diagnosis, however; the effects gave a feeling of sluggishness; as if I were losing my natural born drive and ambition. I quickly stopped taking those medications and began therapy which helped tremendously, by providing tools to help navigate through moments of feeling overwhelmed.

I used these tools for many years coupled with the usage of CBD gummies, which I was introduced to in my early 30’s. I then began making gummies at home for myself but then had the idea, “why not help others with a similar story and mental health concerns of their own find the same peace I experienced with CBD and some THC products?” This passion birthed the family owned and operated business, Protect Your Peace, to support effective management of symptoms related to anxiety, depression, inflammation, insomnia and more.

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